
more potassium Learn more about more potassium

  • How to apply potash fertilizer to grow vegetables

    How to apply potash fertilizer to grow vegetables

    How to apply potash fertilizer to grow vegetables? We should pay attention to what potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer. Many vegetables often need more potassium than nitrogen and phosphorus. The potassium content of well-growing vegetables is 2.5% of dry matter, which is higher than that of nitrogen and phosphorus. Most vegetables absorb more potassium than nitrogen, such as cucumber.

  • How to apply potash fertilizer?

    How to apply potash fertilizer?

    How to apply potash fertilizer when growing rice? When applying, we should pay attention to what to plant rice: sufficient potassium is beneficial to enhance rice photosynthesis, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, improve plant resistance, enhance rice root absorption capacity, promote nitrogen absorption and protein synthesis, make rice grain large and full, high yield and stability.

  • How to apply potassium fertilizer to sunflower

    How to apply potassium fertilizer to sunflower

    How to apply potassium fertilizer to sunflower? Sunflower as an edible and oil crop in China's growing area is expanding and widely distributed. Because sunflower has obvious potassium-loving habit, in order to compete for high yield, in addition to applying certain nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, we should also pay attention to applying potassium fertilizer. But a lot of farmers are actually...

  • Flood potassium fertilizer loss, crop potassium supplement is indispensable

    Flood potassium fertilizer loss, crop potassium supplement is indispensable

    In previous years, potassium deficiency symptoms of cotton, rice, corn, soybean, peanut and other crops were generally seen in several provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In addition to potassium deficiency in some soils themselves, it was largely related to the heavy rainfall and potassium loss during crop growth this year. From the cotton point of view, most cotton fields are short of...

  • How to apply potash fertilizer in orchard?

    How to apply potash fertilizer in orchard?

    How to apply potash fertilizer in orchard? What are the methods of traditional orchard fertilization methods often only pay attention to the application of nitrogen fertilizer, while ignoring the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, especially potassium fertilizer. Potassium deficiency in orchards can affect flower bud differentiation, cold resistance and fruit coloring, and reduce yield and fruit quality. When the potassium deficiency is serious, the leaf margin or whole.

  • Causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    Causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    Causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

  • Extreme potassium deficiency in cotton fields will cause a large number of dead trees.

    Extreme potassium deficiency in cotton fields will cause a large number of dead trees.

    Cotton is sensitive to potassium deficiency, especially since the development of BT transgenic insect-resistant cotton, potassium-deficient cotton fields often show serious disease, premature senescence, few bolls, poor boll opening and poor fiber quality. Four or five years ago, the results of rapid measurement of available nutrients in cotton field soil in central and southern Hebei showed that the content of available potassium in most soil was less than 80PPM (mg / kg), which belonged to serious potassium deficiency, and some soils lacked 40PPM to the extent of extreme potassium deficiency. The data measured by the soil nutrient rapid measuring instrument are not accurate, and the content of available potassium in some soil samples is 0.

  • Cotton planting technology: what is the use of potassium spraying cotton in August?

    Cotton planting technology: what is the use of potassium spraying cotton in August?

    What is the use of potassium spray on cotton in August? Please introduce that in August, with the deterioration of soil permeability and the decrease of soil temperature after ridge closure, the potassium supply capacity of soil is gradually weakened. If potassium fertilizer cannot be supplemented in time, it will show obvious potassium deficiency phenomenon. Cotton potassium deficiency is the first from the lower part of the old leaves, the general vein is still...

  • The latest causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    The latest causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    Broad bean is a common legume crop, named because it is shaped like silkworms, has good edible and medicinal value, and is a crop for both feed and green manure. Potassium is one of the necessary nutrient elements in the whole growth process of broad bean. If potassium deficiency occurs in the later growth stage, it will lead to

    2020-11-10 The latest broad bean potassium deficiency cause and solution
  • What are the potash products? How should it be used? When should I replenish potash?

    What are the potash products? How should it be used? When should I replenish potash?

    When it is time to supplement potash fertilizer, some farmers still do not know the importance of potash fertilizer, what potash products are and how they should be used, resulting in missing the opportunity to supplement potash fertilizer. Potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer, and potassium in plants generally accounts for the weight of dry matter.

    2020-11-09 Potash fertilizer products have which should how apply what when
  • How to improve the utilization rate of potassium fertilizer by planting sunflower?

    How to improve the utilization rate of potassium fertilizer by planting sunflower?

    How to improve the utilization rate of potassium fertilizer by planting sunflower? Sunflower is a crop that needs a lot of potassium. Sunflower roots can be as deep as 2 meters, and most of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium needed are supplied by the soil, and the shortage is regulated by fertilization. If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, it will increase lodging and disease...

  • What is potassium? What's their purpose? (with specific application methods)

    What is potassium? What's their purpose? (with specific application methods)

    Potassium exists in different forms from nitrogen and phosphorus in the body. It mainly exists in the form of ions or soluble salts or adsorbed on the surface of protoplasm, rather than in the form of organic compounds. So what are the excellent potash fertilizers? As an excellent potassium source

    2020-11-09 potash fertilizer what function attachment specific application
  • When is the right time to raise potash fertilizer for rice?

    When is the right time to raise potash fertilizer for rice?

    The suitable time for applying potash fertilizer to rice is tillering stage, young panicle differentiation stage and booting stage, which can effectively increase the seed setting rate of rice, reduce diseases and insect pests and increase yield. Combined application of phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer can give full play to the efficiency of potassium topdressing, among which nitrogen

    2020-11-08 Rice potash fertilizer when Yang suitable abstract rice
  • How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer?

    How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when applying potash fertilizer to rice? The application of potash fertilizer can significantly increase the yield of rice. Sufficient potassium can enhance photosynthesis, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, improve plant resistance, enhance root respiration, promote nitrogen absorption and protein synthesis, make rice grains large and full and high yield.

  • What are the effects of potash on rice? When is the best time to apply potassium fertilizer to rice? How much does it cost?

    What are the effects of potash on rice? When is the best time to apply potassium fertilizer to rice? How much does it cost?

    Rice is a food crop that needs a lot of potassium. In recent years, super hybrid rice is being popularized and applied, and hybrid rice requires more potassium than conventional rice, sometimes 30%~40% higher. So, what is the effect of potassium fertilizer on rice? rice

    2020-11-09 potash fertilizer on rice the role what when rice
  • How to apply potash to underground fruiting crops?

    How to apply potash to underground fruiting crops?

    How to apply potash to underground fruiting crops? Why should it be used like this? Underground fruiting crops, such as potato, peanut, taro, sweet potato, yam, Jerusalem artichoke, carrot, etc., all have the characteristics of potassium, and there is a great demand for potassium, so more attention should be paid to the application of potassium fertilizer to obtain high yield in cultivation. For every 1000 kilograms of horses produced.

  • What should we pay attention to when using potassium sulfate?

    What should we pay attention to when using potassium sulfate?

    What should we pay attention to when using potassium sulfate? Please give instructions that potassium sulfate is a kind of potash fertilizer with high quality and high potassium content. Potassium sulfate is a white crystal, and the K2O content is generally between 50% and 52%. It is soluble in water, has low hygroscopicity and is not easy to caking, and its physical properties are better than those of potassium chloride. Potassium sulfate is widely used in all fields.

  • How to use potash fertilizer for vegetables and fruit trees?

    How to use potash fertilizer for vegetables and fruit trees?

    How to apply potash fertilizer to grow apples? Seeking guidance potassium is one of the important elements needed by fruit trees, especially it plays an irreplaceable role in improving apple quality and fruit quality, so potassium fertilizer is also called fruit fertilizer. Timely and appropriate application of potassium fertilizer can significantly increase the number of fruits, increase sugar content and improve chromaticity. ...

  • What is the difference between potassium sulfate and potassium chloride? How to use it?

    What is the difference between potassium sulfate and potassium chloride? How to use it?

    What is the difference between potassium sulfate and potassium chloride? How to use it? Please introduce the application technology of potassium sulfate and potassium chloride: potassium sulfate is soluble in water, 50% K2O content, white or reddish crystal, better physical properties than potassium chloride, low hygroscopicity, not easy to caking during storage, and belongs to acidic fertilizer. Potassium chloride:.

  • How to identify potassium sulfate?

    How to identify potassium sulfate?

    How to identify potassium sulfate? Please introduce the identification method potassium sulfate identification method can refer to the following: first, look at the appearance. Potassium sulfate is in the shape of crystals. Second, look at the color. Potassium sulfate is generally white, and some are grayish yellow\ grayish green or light brown. Third, observe the hygroscopicity. Potassium sulfate has almost no hygroscopicity.
